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Welcome to the 2024 Bay Challenge Cup

Rules for the 2024 Bay Challenge Cup

Bay Challenge Cup
2024 Tournament Rules & Regulations

• U09 – born on or after January 1, 2016
• U10 – born on or after January 1, 2015
• U11 – born on or after January 1, 2014
• U12 – born on or after January 1, 2013
• U13 – born on or after January 1, 2012
• U14 – born on or after January 1, 2011
• U15 – born on or after January 1, 2010

• All players, coaches and teams must abide by the rules of US Club, its affiliated organizations and sponsors, and the Bay Challenge Cup Tournament.
• All players must be current US Club Soccer members in good standing of the listed Club or have been correctly identified as guest players.
• All members of a team, including guest players, must be registered with the same US Club Soccer affiliate member. Mixed player passes cannot be used across a team unless approved by the Tournament Director. This will only be granted under special circumstances.
• All players must provide the Bay Challenge Cup Tournament a release of liability and assumption of risk agreement.
• All coaches must have background check, concussion management certification, and sudden cardiac arrest training required by USSF/US Youth Soccer/US Club and Ohio laws.
• Official team rosters will be checked against the player passes at registration.
• Player registration cards authorized by state association will be required for all players as proof of age.

• U9 and U10 teams will play 7 v 7
• U11 and U12 teams will play 9 v 9
• U13, U14, and U15 will play 11 v 11

• Rosters may contain no more than the following:
- U9 and U10: 14 players
- U11 and U12: 16 players
- U13, U14, and U15: 18 players
• Tournament Director reserves the right to adjust the rosters under special circumstances.

• The top division is Blue, followed by White and Red (where applicable). Divisions requested at time of registration are not guaranteed. The Tournament Committee will place teams based on requested division, past results in tournaments and league play and team makeup.
• Each team may have up to three (3) guest players per team unless approved by Tournament Director.
• Players are not allowed to play for, or be rostered on, more than one team during the tournament unless approved by the Tournament Director.
• No adjustments to a roster are permitted after the final approved roster has been verified.
• If a coach/player breaks this rule, both teams are subject to disqualification.

• Teams are guaranteed three (3) games.
• All championship games will be played on Sunday.

• Awards are given to first and second place teams for all age groups in each division.
• All awards are handed out at Bay High School following your last game.
• If you win a Championship game or your round robin pool, please head to the Tournament Headquarters at Bay High School for the Award Ceremony.

• All games will be played in accordance with FIFA Laws, except as specifically noted by these Rules.

• U9, U10, U11, U12 – Size 4
• U13, U14, U15 – Size 5

• Metal cleats are not allowed.
• If jersey colors are similar or identical, the designated home team must change colors.
• Home team is listed first on the schedule.
• All players must have uniforms with individual numbers on the shirt.
• All equipment is subject to approval of the referee.
• All players must wear shin guards.

• After a goal is scored by either team
• At halftime
• Before a goal kick by either team
• Thrown-ins and corner kicks at referees discretion.
• Free Kicks at referee's discretion.
• If a substitution is made for an injured player, the other team may also make a substitution.
• After a caution, one for one by both teams, if the cautioned player is substituted.

• Preliminary games consist of two 25-minute halves for all age groups.
• Semi-Final games for groups of 5 will consist of two 25-minute halves.
• Championship games for U9 and U10 consist of two 25-minute halves.
• Championship games for U11, U12, U13, U14 and U15 consist of two 30-minute halves.
• All teams must switch ends of the field for the second half.

• No overtime is played during this tournament.
• For Semi-Final and Championship Games, if teams are tied after two regulation halves, the winner will be decided by FIFA penalty kicks.
• Only players on the field at the end of regulation are eligible for penalty kicks.

• Stoppage time (for injuries, delay of game tactics, or other reasons) may be added to games at the referee’s discretion.

• A team failing to field the minimum number of players at the start of, or at any point during the game, will forfeit the game. The forfeited game will be scored 0-4.
- 7 v 7 games require six (6) players.
- 9 v 9 games require seven (7) players.
- 11 v 11 games require nine (9) players.

• Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their teams MUST appear on the field of play, ready to play as scheduled. Failure to appear will result in forfeiture of the game.
• Only referees and/or Tournament Committee members can cancel a game.
• Inclement weather before games: In case of severe weather conditions before play, referees and/or Tournament Committee members MAY reduce the length of the game by 50%.
• Games interrupted in the first half:
- If time permits, play to completion.
- If time permits, play to completion of at least the first half and record the score as complete.
- If the first half cannot be completed, the game will be called a scoreless tie and each team will be awarded one point.
• Games interrupted after completion of first half:
- If time permits, play to completion.
- If time does not permit, the game will be called complete and the score at the time of the interruption recorded.
• In any event, games will not be played past the scheduled start time of the next game due to weather delays.
• Tournament Committee members reserve the right to alter game length due to weather conditions.


• U9, U10, U11 and U12 games will have one registered referee.
• U13, U14, and U15 games will have a three-man referee system.
• Tournament Committee reserves the right to adjust number of referees at a field at any time based on availability.

• The offside rule is in effect for all age divisions.

• When the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play.
• Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed).
• After the ball is put into play, the opposing team can cross the buildout line & resume play.
• The opposing team must also move behind the build out line prior to a goal kick and may only cross the build out line once the ball has been put into play.
• If the goalkeeper chooses to put the ball in play prior to the opposing team getting behind the buildout line, the ball is live.

• Players in the age group U11 and younger may not head the ball. Intentionally heading the ball will result in an indirect free kick awarded to the opponent at the spot of the infraction - or from the top of the penalty area for infractions inside the penalty area.

• Coaches and players must be stationed on the side of the field opposite spectators.
• Coaches and players who are not active in play will be restricted to an area along the touch line within 20 yards of their side of midfield. Coaching type instructions to players by others from any area of the field is not consistent with the spirit of the game and will be reported to a Tournament Committee member.
• Coaches and players may be carded, and if red carded, are expected to leave the field of play for the duration of the game in which the red card is given.
• Tournament Committee members will review reasons for red cards given to coaches and players and a decision will be made concerning his/her status for the next game.

• Refer to division schedules for teams advancing to the championship match. Any questions should be directed to a Tournament Committee member.
• In brackets with 4, 5 or 6 teams, they will play a Championship Game.
• In brackets with 5 teams, each team will play two scheduled games. The third game will be decided based on standings after the two games. 4th v 5th place will play a Consolation Game. 2nd vs 3rd will play a Semi-Final game. 1st place will get a bye into the championship game and will play the winner of the Semi-Final Game.
• Standings leading to Championship Games and determining Round Robin Champions will be determined as follows:
- Most points: 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss.
- In the event of ties in point standings, the following tie breaker sequence will be used:
* * Head to Head: result of the game played between tied teams. (If three teams or more are tied, go to next step).
* * Goal Differential: total goals scored minus goals totals goals allowed. A maximum differential of 4 goals per game.
* * Goals Against: Least number of total goals allowed.
* * Goals Scored: Most goals scored.
* * PKs: FIFA penalty kicks.

• Spectators are expected to exhibit good conduct and sportsmanship at all times.
• Spectators must be located on the side of the field opposite coaches and players and may not be behind either goal line.
• Use of noisemakers such as air horns, cowbells, etc. is considered unsportsmanlike and is not be allowed.
• Coaches are expected to aid Field Marshals in controlling parent/spectator behavior.
• Tournament Committee members may eject spectators from the tournament at their discretion.

• The playing fields for the Bay Challenge Cup have legally based restrictions against the presence and use of alcoholic beverages. No alcohol is allowed at or around any field at the tournament.
• In addition, no vehicle is permitted on the fields or grass adjacent to the fields.
• No overnight camping, including the use of recreational vehicles, is allowed at any tournament field location or adjacent parking lots.
• Please observe these rules and report any observed violations promptly to field marshals or security officers.

• Participation in the Bay Challenge Cup includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19.
• Coaches, players, and spectators are expected to comply with the rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Bay Challenge Cup, USSF/US Youth Soccer/UC Club, Ohio Department of Health, and CDC including, but not limited to: assessing risks, staying home when appropriate, practicing good hygiene and respiratory etiquette, and maintaining social distancing.
• If required, coaches are responsible for conducting daily symptom assessments of themselves and their players. Spectators must also conduct daily symptom assessments. Anyone experiencing symptoms must stay home.
• Nonessential visitors, spectators, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations may be limited.
• Coaches, players, or spectators should bring observed violations to the attention of a Tournament Committee member.
• Tournament Committee members may at their discretion eject from the tournament coaches, players, or spectators exhibiting symptoms of sickness or otherwise failing to comply with guidelines intended to limit the spread of infectious disease.

• The Tournament Committee and the Bay Soccer Club will not be responsible for non-entry fee expenses incurred by any team or club if the tournament is cancelled in whole or part.
• Should the tournament or any division be cancelled, each affected team will receive a full refund of its tournament entry fee.
• Accepted teams that withdraw from the tournament prior to the application deadline will receive a full refund.
• Accepted teams that withdraw from the tournament after the application deadline will NOT receive a refund.

Rules updated August 29, 2024



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